June 11, 2021


Today we learned all about Dragon Boat Festival 端午节. It is a colourful, fun celebration involving large, long Dragon boats race 划龙舟, beating drums and eating rice dumplings 吃粽子. We read a book about the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节. 

Learning about Festivals and Rituals holds great value to young children. Rituals transmit values and cultural traditions that reflect the uniqueness or specialness of a culture or a society. They play a significant role in the lives of the people and society around them, hence nurturing their sense of identity, values and beliefs.

To immerse your child in this experience, take a trip to Stanley on Monday 14 June to experience the fierce dragon boat race and cheer for them; or simply watch some videos together – Stanley Dragon Boat Race ; Dragon Boat Paddling with drum beats ; Dragon Boat song  

Wishing you good health! 端午节安康!